個人情報保護方針 | GRIInc. 株式会社GRI


【個人情報保護方針】English follows Japanese

株式会社GRI(以下、当社)は、データ分析事業、事業戦略コンサルティング事業、インターネットメディア構築事業、オンライン通販事業を行う上で個人情報保護方針に基づき、個人情報を適正かつ厳格に取扱うことを宣言いたします. その基本を確実にこなした上で、さらにその上のサービスを提供するプロフェッショナル企業として、個人情報の保護について重要性を自覚し、個人情報を安全、適切に保護するため、下記事項を遵守します


(1)個人情報の取得、利用にあたっては、当社サービスの案内や各種情報提供、総務業務の範囲内で、その利用目的を特定することとし、特定された利用目的の達成に必要な範囲を超えた個人情報の取扱い(目的外利用)はいたしません. また、目的外利用を行わないために、適切な管理措置を講じます。尚、取得した個人情報は、上記目的の達成に必要な範囲で、提供を行うことがあります

(2)当社は、法令に基づく場合、人命・財産の保護が必要な場合、公的機関への協力が必要な場合等正当な理由がある場合を除き、個人情報提供者(お客様,お取引様,従業員等)の同意を得ない限り、取得した個人情報を第三者に提供することはしません. また、事前に明確に告知した目的の範囲内でのみ使用、提供いたします

2.個人情報の取得および取得した個人情報の管理にあたっては、不正アクセス、紛失、破壊、改ざん、漏えい等の防止並びに是正を実施し、安全に管理し、正確性を確保します. また、取得した個人情報は、必要な保存期間を経て、最終的に廃棄をいたします。廃棄は、個人情報の区分、媒体の種類に応じて、定められた廃棄方法により行ない、社外流出を防止します


4.以上の個人情報の取得、利用、預託および提供業務にあたっては、日本工業規格「個人情報保護マネジメントシステム要求事項(JISQ15001:2006)」に準拠した当社の個人情報保護マネジメントシステムを遵守し、厳正な管理のもとで行います. また、個人情報の取扱に関する法令、国が定める指針およびその他の規範について遵守いたします


代表取締役CEO 上野勉









・住民票の写し (開示等の求めをする日より前30日以内に作成されたもの)
(※注 本籍地など機微情報に関しては塗りつぶして郵送ください)

(※注 本籍地など機微情報に関しては塗りつぶして郵送ください)



株式会社GRI 個人情報保護担当
住所:〒105-0011 東京都港区芝公園2-3-6 PMO浜松町Ⅱ7階

Personal Information Protection Policy

GRI Inc., (hereinafter referred to as “GRI”) is a company engaged in Data Analysis for Business, Business Growth Strategy Consulting, Internet Media Development services, and Online Shopping Business, declares that  GRI handles personal information appropriately and strictly based on the Personal Information Protection Policy. As a professional company that provides services above and beyond the basics, GRI is fully aware of the importance of protecting personal information and makes every effort to ensure the safe and appropriate protection of personal information. Specifically, GRI takes the following measures:

  1. GRI acquires, uses and provides personal information as follows:

(1) When acquiring and using personal information, GRI  definitely specifies the purpose of use within the scope of providing information on its services and general affairs, and does not use personal information beyond the scope necessary to achieve the specified purpose of use (use for purposes other than the specified purpose). GRI also takes appropriate management measures to ensure that personal information is not used for purposes other than those specified. The personal information obtained may be provided to the extent necessary in order to achieve the above-mentioned purposes.

(2) GRI does not provide personal information to third parties without obtaining prior consent of the personal information providers(customers clients and employees), except such as is in accordance with the law and is necessary to protect human life or property, or when cooperation with public authorities is required. Also, GRI uses and provides personal information only within the scope of the purpose clearly notified in advance.

  1. In acquiring personal information and managing the acquired personal information, GRIdoes its best to prevent illegalaccess, loss, destruction, falsification leakage, etc., and implements corrective measures to safely manage and ensure the accuracy of the information. Furthermore, at the end of retention period the acquired personal information will be disposed. Disposal shall be carried out in accordance with the prescribed disposal method according to the classification of personal information and the type of media, to prevent leakage of personal information outside the company.
  2. When GRI receives inquiries, complaints, or requests for disclosure, correction, or deletion of information from the personal information providers(customers, clients or employees), GRI responds to such requests after confirming that the requesting party is the customer or employee, unless there is a special reason not to do so.
  3. In acquiring, using, depositing and providing the above personal information, we comply with the Japanese Industrial Standards “JIS Q 15001:2006 Personal Information Protection Management Systems–Requirements” and our company rules under strict management. GRI  complies with laws and regulations of Japan, national guidelines and other norms. GRI will continuously improve the above Personal Information Protection Management System.

Date of Establishment: February 1, 2017
GRI Inc.,
Tsutomu Ueno, Representative Director and CEO

Handling of Personal Information

  1. Purpose of handling personal information

(1) The purpose of use of personal information other than acquiring directly in writing
1:   The personal information entrusted to GRI by customers
・Execution of entrusted business

(2) The purpose of use of personal information handled by GRI subject to disclosure
1:    Personal information received from customers

Corporate Website Inquiry Form

-Activities related to employment screening (to provide information on recruitment, to decide whether to accept a position, etc.)
-To respond to business inquiries

Corporate Website Documents Request Form

-To respond to requests for information materials
-To respond to any inquiries

Corporate Website Mail Magazine Registration Form

-To send corporate mail magazine by e-mail

 2:Personal information of employees
-For salary administration, work management and employment management.
 3:   Personal information of applicants for employment
-For employee selection

-Name of business operator: GRI Inc.

-The person in question can make the following requests regarding personal information subject to disclosure as follows:
Notification of purpose of use, disclosure, correction/ addition or deletion of content, suspension of use, erasure, suspension of provision to a third party.

GRI will respond to requests for disclosure of personal information in accordance with the following procedures.

2.Procedures for personal information subject to disclosure

 (1) Procedures concerning requests for disclosure, etc.,
-Please download and fill in the prescribed form「個人情報開示等請求書」(PDF) and mail it to the “Personal Information Disclosure Inquiry Form”.

(2) Identity verification

Documents for Identity Verification
 1: When making a request, please send the “Personal Information Disclosure Inquiry Form” and one of the following documents via mail to confirm the identity of the person making the request.
 (The documents must include the name and address of the person making the request for disclosure etc.)
-A copy of a driver’s license,
-A copy of a passport, etc.,
-A copy of the certificate of residence (made within 30 days prior to the date of the request for disclosure etc.)
 (*Note: Please fill in any sensitive information such as the registered domicile of the person and send it by mail.)

2: If a representative will carry out above matter, in addition to “Personal Information Disclosure Inquiry Form” and 1 above, please send a letter of attorney from the person in question and one of the following documents as identity verification.
(The name and address of the representative making the Request for Disclosure, etc., must be included)
-A copy of a driver’s license
-A copy of a passport, etc.,
-A copy of the representative’s certificate of residence (made within 30 days prior to the date of the request for disclosure, etc.)
If the representative is an attorney, a document showing his/her registration number
(*Note: Please fill in any sensitive information such as legal domicile by mail)

(3) Result Notification
The results will be notified in writing without delay.
(The address to which the letter will be sent is the address of the person or his/her representative who has filled in the prescribed form.

GRI will dispose of the documents proving the identity of the person in question or his/her representative within 6 months calculated from the date.

Inquiries regarding the protection of personal information

GRI Personal Information Protection Desk
Address: PMO Hamamatsucho II 7F, 2-3-6 Shiba-Koen, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0011
E-mail: info@gri.jp